Kirsten Drooger Follow
Kirsten is a pregnancy yoga teacher. She studied prenatal yoga in 2007 and began teaching regular classes during her first pregnancy. Kirsten's teaching focuses on a safe, beneficial physical practice using breath and mindfulness.
Kirsten started to practice yoga regularly during her Master studies of Media, Religion and Culture at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Following graduation, she completed her first yoga teacher training at the Prana Yoga College in Vancouver. This was an intensive training in Yoga and Zen meditation and she lived with her teacher in her urban Zen monastery. Kirsten also studied Centered Yoga with Dona Holleman.
During her first pregnancy, Kirsten experienced pelvic pain and did not find all yoga postures suitable. After her prenatal yoga training with Birthlight in 2007, she learned more about the importance of supporting the pelvis in pregnancy and introduced this into her own teaching. She also realized the benefits of it during her second pregnancy when she had no pelvic pain at all.
Through yoga, Kirsten discovered Ayurveda. This science of life gave Kirsten deeper insights into how to find and stay in balance in her life. She studied at the Academy of Ayurvedic Studies in Amsterdam and, after graduation, started working as an ayurvedic practitioner.
Kirsten is a mother of two little boys of 3 and 7 years old. She is an eternal student and curious about all aspects of life. Together with her partner and children, she lives in Nederhorst den Berg, a small town in the Netherlands. She has her own Ayurvedic practice and yoga studio.
In her yoga classes and consultations, Kirsten encourages her students and clients to slow down and look deeper inward to get to know themselves and discover those behaviours and mental patterns that cause suffering, pain and imbalance. These insights provide an opportunity for change.