Serious about serratus
Today's Throwback class was chosen by David partly because of how delighted he was with his title! Seriously, though, you might be surprised if you take this class, what 'A-ha' moments you might experience in your exploration of these subtle-to-engage but powerful muscles. Let us know in the comments below.We begin with an anatomical exploration of the region around the Scapula bones and muscles of Serratus Anterior and Rhomboids. We look at how these muscles work and how to use them specifically in asana practice. When the asana practice starts (18 minute mark), we move through Sun Salutations, 'Serratus Push-ups' and a variety of standing poses with a focus on the shoulders. Eventually we arrive at Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm balance) to find full engagement of this magical muscle. Much of the anatomical focus of this class also acts as a tool to look inward, honouring the body as a home to the spirit.