Dance of Shiva
Dance of Shiva
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The Deities are closely linked with the practice of Hatha yoga. They teach us about ourselves and our lives; our struggles, our strengths and our humanity. In this way, they can be very powerful to use as a focus in our yoga practice. Each class will teach you about a different God or Goddess and explains their symbolism in a way that you can relate to and practice with.
In this class we practice with Shiva as the symbol of our own essential goodness. In a flowing class we string standing poses together to come to the pose named after this deity. The practice, like life, can move quickly and we practice staying rooted in the truth of our own essence as we keep coming back to this remembrance. Shoulder openers, hip openers and backbends lead up to the Cosmic dancer pose. Surya Namaskar, Vashistasana, Anjeyasana, Dhanurasana, Natarajasana are also included.
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