Coming Home to Yourself Retreat with Esther Ekhart and James Reeves

Come home to yourself and rediscover inner peace through meditation, self-inquiry and deep rest during this transformative 7-day experience.

D’Alijo Retreat Centre, Portugal
18 October - 25 October 2024
Price from
swimming pool at the yoga retreat centre

James and Esther hold a wealth of experience and a depth and breadth of skills for working with individuals and groups. You will be supported by both teachers as you explore moving through and beyond any challenges and perceived barriers to the simplicity of stopping. Be it psychological content, trauma, beliefs, and patterns of conditioning, we will work together to meet, greet, and move through the content that surfaces during your time on retreat, allowing you to rest deeply in wholeness. 

The mid-part of this retreat will be held in silence, allowing for a profound inner experience. However, there will be opportunities to ask questions during the scheduled class times, providing a balanced approach to introspection.

For details and booking, please visit Esther’s website.

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