Train your body and your willpower with three weeks of yoga. 6 classes a week building up from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.
Train your body and your willpower with three weeks of yoga. 6 classes a week building up from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.
Train both body and willpower, develop healthy habits and get into positive shape! In this program, we train our muscles and willpower on the yoga mat, but the effects will be just as noticeable off the mat too. As a result, you'll be able to make healthier choices in your daily life.
Each week, of this 3-week program, includes 5 active Vinyasa Yoga classes and one Yin Yoga class to balance your practice. We start with 30-minute classes in week one, building up to 60 minutes to help you schedule your yoga into your day.
What can you let go of that is no longer serving you? Classes will include lots of detoxifying poses, twists and flows plus a delicious yin session to revitalise your kidney chi making your mind feel vibrant, settled and clear. Your classes will be between 30 - 40 minutes long.
This week we work on Tapas - that fire which comes from regular practice and the discipline that brings us freedom. Work on your core and strength with continuous flows and great all round practices. You’ll be getting stronger and you can begin to experience yoga with an effortless effort. All classes will be between 40 - 50 minutes long.
This week we work with Sukha - which is the Sanskrit word meaning happiness or bliss. After we cleared space in week 1 and worked on strength and freedom in week 2, this week we simply enjoy our practice and all its benefits! There will be lots of Vinyasa Flows to work on your strength, flexibility and stamina as well as your weekly Yin class. All classes will be between 50 - 60 minutes long.
By now your willpower muscle will develop rapidly and your healthy habits will be getting established!
"Thank you Esther for the Willpower Workout - I did every class every day and felt my practice get stronger and stronger and my mind get calmer.....just loving the benefits to my daily life!" - David
Make space for the new!
What can you let go of that is no longer serving you? This week we clear space in our bodies and minds so we can invite the new in!
Working on your fire and core
This week we work on Tapas - that fire which comes from regular practice and the discipline that brings us freedom.
Bringing it all together and enjoying it...
This week we work with Sukha - which is the Sanskrit word meaning happiness or bliss. After we cleared space in week 1 and worked on strength and freedom in week 2, this week we simply enjoy our practice and all its benefits!
Sharing the love of yoga to create
positive change in the world