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Strong Body

About the program

Build strength in body and mind with short strength-focused classes targeting abs, arms and butt, combined with longer stamina classes. 

This 3 week program is not about shaping up. It is about discovering your own strength in body and mind.

What to expect?

  • 6 classes per week for 3 weeks
  • Short strengthening yoga classes targeting the arms and chest, abs and back, and legs and butt
  • Sun Salutation classes to work on your stamina
  • Balancing Yin classes
  • Meditations and talks to help you cultivate a supportive attitude
  • Classes are for all levels but they build in intensity as the program progresses. 

The benefits

Getting stronger is not about changing the shape of our bodies, it's about creating a supportive muscular structure so our bodies can move more efficiently and be more resilient. When we feel strong it has a positive effect on the way we think about ourselves, our body language and our overall health. Ultimately it's about feeling and getting healthier! 

What next?


Duration: 18 classes
Level: All levels
Style: Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Pranayama, Restorative, Talks
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