Lungs, breathing & recovery

Selection of classes I am able to do while fully recovering from #Covid19 (over 3 months) and that has proven helpful.

Classes in this playlist
Video thumbnail for: Heart-opening Yin with a mantra
Heart-opening Yin with a mantra
Video thumbnail for: Box breath practice
Box breath practice
Video thumbnail for: Loving kindness meditation
Loving kindness meditation
Video thumbnail for: Wake me up (Before you go go)
Wake me up (Before you go go)
Video thumbnail for: Mastering Anxiety class 1: The neuroscience of anxiety
Mastering Anxiety class 1: The neuroscience of anxiety
Video thumbnail for: Balancing flow
Balancing flow
Video thumbnail for: More oxygen, less stress - shoulder and upper back release
More oxygen, less stress - shoulder and upper back release
Video thumbnail for: Detox for the lungs
Detox for the lungs
Video thumbnail for: Breath observation practice
Breath observation practice
Video thumbnail for: Rest in the space between
Rest in the space between
Video thumbnail for: Chakra Mantra: Deep relaxation
Chakra Mantra: Deep relaxation
Video thumbnail for: From the Earth up
From the Earth up
Video thumbnail for: Breath retention practice
Breath retention practice
Video thumbnail for: Ocean breath practice
Ocean breath practice
Video thumbnail for: Easy Yin Yang flow
Easy Yin Yang flow
Video thumbnail for: Feel the space inside - practice for the fourth chakra
Feel the space inside - practice for the fourth chakra
Video thumbnail for: Removing the mask
Removing the mask
Video thumbnail for: Yoga for a great mood - Yin style
Yoga for a great mood - Yin style
Video thumbnail for: Into the silence
Into the silence
Video thumbnail for: Finding our elasticity
Finding our elasticity
Video thumbnail for: Being with what is
Being with what is
Video thumbnail for: 4 - 8 breath practice
4 - 8 breath practice
Video thumbnail for: Yoga for anxiety
Yoga for anxiety
Video thumbnail for: Lower-back-loving, morning yoga
Lower-back-loving, morning yoga
Video thumbnail for: Yoga Nidra for inner awareness
Yoga Nidra for inner awareness
Video thumbnail for: Yoga Nidra - Seven pearls of light
Yoga Nidra - Seven pearls of light
Video thumbnail for: Progressive relaxation
Progressive relaxation
Video thumbnail for: Empowerment series, class 1: Learn to feel
Empowerment series, class 1: Learn to feel
Video thumbnail for: Yin yoga for the chakras
Yin yoga for the chakras
Video thumbnail for: 5 minutes to calm
5 minutes to calm
Video thumbnail for: Ho'Oponopono - Forgiveness meditation and chanting
Ho'Oponopono - Forgiveness meditation and chanting
Video thumbnail for: Gentle and restful
Gentle and restful
Video thumbnail for: A dive beneath the waves
A dive beneath the waves
Video thumbnail for: Balance heart, lung, large and small intestines meridians
Balance heart, lung, large and small intestines meridians
Video thumbnail for: Part 1: First aid in a crisis
Part 1: First aid in a crisis
Video thumbnail for: The give away
The give away
Video thumbnail for: Shiva and Shakti
Shiva and Shakti
Video thumbnail for: A pleasant practice
A pleasant practice
Video thumbnail for: Freeing and stimulating gall bladder and liver meridian
Freeing and stimulating gall bladder and liver meridian
Video thumbnail for: Subtle involution: Restorative practice
Subtle involution: Restorative practice
Video thumbnail for: Freeing and stimulating urinary bladder and kidney meridians
Freeing and stimulating urinary bladder and kidney meridians
Video thumbnail for: Rock your Fifties
Rock your Fifties
Video thumbnail for: First Aid: Soothing and grounding
First Aid: Soothing and grounding
Video thumbnail for: 4-7-8 breath practice
4-7-8 breath practice
Video thumbnail for: Increase chi flow and upper body strength
Increase chi flow and upper body strength
Video thumbnail for: Befriending painful feelings
Befriending painful feelings
Video thumbnail for: Shining skull - Kapalabhati breath
Shining skull - Kapalabhati breath
Video thumbnail for: Yin and Yang: Balance the inner and outer body with Yoga.
Yin and Yang: Balance the inner and outer body with Yoga.
Video thumbnail for: Body tapping yoga
Body tapping yoga
Video thumbnail for: Surrender to your true movement
Surrender to your true movement
Video thumbnail for: Open hips for a steady seat
Open hips for a steady seat
Video thumbnail for: Bedtime practice for deep sleep
Bedtime practice for deep sleep
Video thumbnail for: Tree pose (Vrksasana) tutorial
Tree pose (Vrksasana) tutorial
Video thumbnail for: A healing meditation
A healing meditation
Video thumbnail for: Peace on your mind
Peace on your mind
Video thumbnail for: Transforming negative thought patterns through yoga
Transforming negative thought patterns through yoga
Video thumbnail for: Enquiry: Lung capacity and how they support the arms
Enquiry: Lung capacity and how they support the arms
Video thumbnail for: Somatic daily practice
Somatic daily practice
Video thumbnail for: Dealing with negative feelings and emotions
Dealing with negative feelings and emotions
Video thumbnail for: Full Yogic breath
Full Yogic breath
Video thumbnail for: The power of gratitude
The power of gratitude


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