Therapeutic Modalities

Restore nervous system balance.

Classes in this playlist
Video thumbnail for: Inner Ping Pong (hands and feet)
Inner Ping Pong (hands and feet)
Video thumbnail for: Free your spine - meet your fish body!
Free your spine - meet your fish body!
Video thumbnail for: Somatics for the psoas
Somatics for the psoas
Video thumbnail for: Nervous system reboot
Nervous system reboot
Video thumbnail for: Pandiculation: Stretching like a cat
Pandiculation: Stretching like a cat
Video thumbnail for: Self massage for stress relief
Self massage for stress relief
Video thumbnail for: Stimulating the endocrine and immune systems
Stimulating the endocrine and immune systems
Video thumbnail for: Body and sound - A short journey into breath
Body and sound - A short journey into breath
Video thumbnail for: Qigong arm swing
Qigong arm swing
Video thumbnail for: Stress busters for the shoulders
Stress busters for the shoulders
Video thumbnail for: Joint freeing exercises
Joint freeing exercises
Video thumbnail for: Somatic daily practice
Somatic daily practice
Video thumbnail for: Self soothing - methods for calming down
Self soothing - methods for calming down


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