Step by step
- From Dandasana / Staff pose, bring your legs wide apart, up to a point where you feel a good stretch, but can still hold the pose, maintaining a straight spine, and without falling back.
- Flex your feet, and keep your knees and toes pointed up towards the ceiling. Press your legs and sitting bones down, and lengthen up through your spine.
- With a long spine, bend from the hips. Place your hands between your legs on the floor, and slowly exhale as you start to walk your hands forwards.
- Maintain length along the front of your body as you come further into the forward bend. If you feel you are starting to arch your back, don’t lower any further.
- Hold this pose for 5 to 10 breaths.
- To come out of the pose, come up with a straight back, pressing your sitting bones down, as you exhale.
Beginners tips
- You can bend your knees to give you a little more room to maintain a straight spine and maybe move into the forward fold.
- You can place your hands behind your back for support, is sitting up straight is intense enough for your hamstrings.
- If you don’t feel the stretch in your hamstrings but you do behind the knees, take a block or a folded blanket and place it under your knees.
- To help your pelvis to tilt comfortably forward, sit on a folded blanket or block.
- Stretches the hamstrings and inner thighs.
- Opens the hips and back of the body.
- Stimulates the abdominal organs.
- Strengthens your spine.