This grounding practice begins with foundational Pilates exercises to increase the active range of motion in your hips and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings. It then continues with a standing Vinyasa flow incorporating hip opening poses and balances, such as Skandasana, Goddess Pose, Standing Pigeon, Prasarita Padottonasana and Extended Side Angle with a bind. Pilates exercises include Pilates Bridges, Clamshells and Side Kick to activate every muscle in the hip area. You will leave the session feeling flexible, balanced and rejuvenated. The final class in this program will be published on Sat, 9th March.
Suggested props: 2 yoga bricks
Part of the Fluid Strength program.
n.b. Vanessa was in her second trimester when filming this series. Whilst this program is not aimed at pregnant women, we are planning something specific so please watch this space!