Scaravelli-inspired yoga is based on the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli. Vanda was reluctant to have her approach turned into a “method” – so that’s why you will often see the style described as ‘Scaravelli-inspired’, acknowledging that you’re practising or teaching ‘In the Spirit of Vanda Scaravelli,’ as opposed to fixed rules.
Scaravelli-inspired yoga guides you through moving in waves and spirals which encourage a slow and safe release of tension, and emphasises a strong connection with the feet to help us feel more centred and grounded.
Despite what you might think, Scaravelli-inspired yoga is not ‘soft’ or ‘easy’ – on the contrary, it’s dynamic, focused and challenging. The practice recognises that everybody’s body is different and encourages you to go inwards, to find your yoga, and invites you to take ideas about how you move and breathe into everyday life. In Scaravelli-inspired yoga there are no beginners, no advanced practitioners; everyone is an individual allowing space to unfold as the body is invited to feel grounded, safe and centred. This style of yoga is your friend!
Like love, yoga is a feeling, a texture. Like love we can’t ‘do’ yoga. This is what Scaravelli-inspired yoga invites us to tune into: enjoy yoga as a feeling, as a texture – Helen Noakes.
Find out more in this short talk with Helen below:
Browse all Scaravelli-inspired yoga classes
Practise with Helen Noakes as part of your EkhartYoga membership.