This short sequence is inspired by my Hot Warrior Flow classes. EkhartYogis can find them in the video library by typing ‘Hot Warrior’ into the search field.
1. Downward Facing Dog
2. Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog
3. Knee to Temple
Why not “Knee to nose”? In the past I often cued “knee to nose” in so many poses. Recently I realized that in order to keep hip, knee, ankle and foot aligned that it’s even smarter to say “knee to temple”. This keeps all the joints tracking in line versus crossing the midline!
4. Crescent pose
5. Crescent pose (Namaste hands) into forward extension
6. Twisted Lunge
7. Crescent pose (forward extension) into a back bending Crescent pose
8. ‘Diving Queen’
9. Plank
10. Chaturanga
11. Upward Facing Dog
Go back into Downward Facing Dog and repeat on the opposite side.