Our mission
Our evolvement
Our pledge
- Diversity: How we can build a more racially diverse community of employees, students and teachers.
- Equity: How we can play our part in creating a more racially just world, within yoga and beyond.
- Inclusion: How to create a community where people of all races can meaningfully connect and thrive.
This training will be ongoing and will be compulsory for all new members of staff.
We have taken measures to support the recruitment and promotion of underrepresented minority groups, allocating time, budget and focus to seeking out BIPOC teachers and models.
We are committed to addressing ableism, ageism, and all forms of gender and sex discrimination in our recruitment.
For an organization to change there needs to be a collective shift of individual minds. To that end, we have sought to educate ourselves – individually and as a team – by introducing a regular discussion group – sharing and learning from resources such as books talks, seminars, podcasts, articles, documentaries and films.
Visual representation
We have improved our visual representation of BIPOC teachers in marketing material and on our website as a whole and will continue to ensure more people of colour feature in our photoshoots, videos, and on our channels. We have supported and promoted events and projects that advance the causes of diversity and justice.
Language is important. It has the power to include, offend and confuse. As an organisation that places community and connection at its heart, it’s important for us to take a stance on what the most appropriate language is. This isn’t about banning words or “getting it right” but giving our team a framework for language that has been thought through and considered.
Listening and learning
We have taken steps to listen and learn from people of colour in the wellness industry and in the wider Black Lives Matter movement, to broaden our networks on social media, and in person. We have also sought – and continue to invite – teacher recommendations from members and our teaching team. If you would like to recommend a teacher, please drop us a line.
We have put together an action plan, outlining our goals and assigning budget and team members who are accountable for carrying out the work. We have put into place quarterly meetings where we discuss these plans, action, and learnings. In short, we have made diversity, equity and inclusion a strategic initiative. This is not simply a commercially-driven decision but one that we hope has positive repercussions for the wider yoga landscape.
Our goals:
- Continue to take positive action to support the recruitment and promotion of underrepresented minorities, beginning with BIPOC teachers.
- Challenge and speak out against racism and white body supremacy on social media.
- Offer scholarships for teacher training and coaching places for people from marginalised communities.
As a yoga platform with a large and loyal community, we are in a unique position. It is our duty to widen these connections further and provide a safe, open, honest and non-judgmental space where all are welcome. Individually, we have an opportunity to dig deeper into our own own biases and apathy; collectively, we have the opportunity to play our part in creating a more racially just world. And ultimately, this is what it’s all about.